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Information on cards

Credit card

Credit card
With payment at the end of the month.
The imagin credit card with the end-of-month payment option involves you paying off the credit you used for your purchases at the end of the agreed settlement period (e.g. at the end of the month, if you choose the monthly settlement period). You will not have to pay interest for this.
This will be the default payment method for cards with the end-of-month payment option (such as the imagin credit card).
Here's an example: John takes a weekend getaway with his friends on Friday, 14 April. He decides to use his credit card to rent a car and invites his friends to dinner. The credit card is used as a guarantee for the car rental and is also used to pay for dinner. This dinner was purchased on credit, meaning he doesn't need to spend the balance in his account on the actual day of the dinner with his friends. John will start to pay back the money spent on the dinner without interest from 1 May. We will charge it to the account associated with the card.
The card also allows other payment methods that you must expressly request, such as deferred payment of all the credit you have on a monthly basis, or payment in instalments of a certain transaction or purchase. These two payment methods do require interest payments, which are specified both in the pre-contractual information (INE) and in the contract.
The deferred payment consists of putting off (or deferring) the repayments for the credit you spend through the payment of a monthly instalment, instead of paying the total amount at the end of the agreed settlement period. This way you decide what monthly instalment you want to make to repay the credit drawn down. Even if you spend more credit each month than the chosen instalment, you will only pay the chosen instalment, provided that it respects the minimum instalment1 limit established at any given time by CaixaBank Payments & Consumer so that the repayment of your debt is not dragged out excessively. When choosing the level of the monthly instalment you want to pay, bear in mind that the higher the monthly instalment you pay, the lower the total cost of the credit to be repaid, because you will repay the loaned credit sooner. All credit cards allow you to activate this payment method if you need it. Only one comes with this payment method activated by default without the possibility of changing it, namely the deferred payment card (imagin&Go).
Here's an example: John's washing machine breaks down in December, just when he is focused on finishing his Christmas shopping and celebrating with friends and family. He expects an increase in expenses of around €1500, which he will not be able to pay all at once at the end of the month because he would run out of credit at the beginning of the following month. Instead, John chooses to modify the payment method for his credit card to deferred payment, choosing to pay a monthly amount of €150 for the reimbursement of the credit. If he doesn't spend anything more with his credit card, he will end up paying off his debt in a little less than a year, including associated interest. Each instalment includes part of the capital drawn down that John has to repay + part of the associated interest. If he increases the monthly instalment, he will pay off the debt faster. When you pay off the debt faster, you also pay less interest. To calculate your monthly instalment, you can go to the Bank of Spain's banking customer website where they provide a calculator to figure out how much interest you would pay and when you would end up paying off the debt under one or another level of monthly instalment.
Payment in instalments consists of paying for a certain purchase or transaction on credit and instead of paying for it all at the end of the month interest-free, you pay it off over the months you decide to split it over, including associated interest or paying a fixed fee, also reflected in the contract. Here's an example: John wants to buy the latest model smartphone but it costs €1,000, so he doesn't want to pay for it with his end-of-month credit card, as he would have to pay it all off at the end of the month and would be left with nothing in his account. John can choose to split the payment of the purchase over a number of months (either paying associated interest or paying a fee). He selects the term over which he wants to pay back the credit and, in this way, pays the purchase price + the associated interest divided over the months selected for repayment. To be as transparent as possible with you and to let you know how our end-of-month card works before you even start the contracting process, we provide you with an example of the pre-contractual information document (INE) and an example of the contract, which we attach below.
- Pre-contractual information (INE).
PLEASE NOTE: the NIR and AER numbers that you will see in both the example INE and the example contract are specific to the EXAMPLES and therefore may not be those that we will finally apply to your card, as these conditions in the examples are the maximum applicable. We provide the maximum values for these numbers because, as you have not started the contracting process, we have not been able to study your financial situation, so we cannot tell you in advance what financial conditions you will have on your card. For this reason, we prefer to show you the maximum rates.

1-day payment.
We also have a credit card with 1-day payment, combining the best of debit and credit. The 1-day payment lets you buy on credit while shortening the settlement period to 24 hours. This way, everything you spend is reflected in your card transactions right away, but it is debited from the associated account 24 hours after it is confirmed. This payment method lets you recover your card's credit limit quickly so you can continue your day-to-day purchases. This will be the default payment method for cards with 1-day payment (such as the MyCard card).
You also have the option to customise the payment day and instead of paying the credit in 24h after confirming it, paying it weekly, monthly or as often as you specify (example: once you have spent €200). You will not have to pay interest in any of these cases, since you will return the full amount of the credit drawn down at the end of the agreed settlement period.
This card also lets you use the balance in your account (up to €3,000) once you use up your credit, as long as the associated account where you have the balance is with imaginBank, and you have sufficient balance to cover both the credit limit you have used up and anything you want to spend over that limit.
Here's an example: John uses the card with 1-day payment for his everyday purchases. On 10 April, he uses the card to pay €12 for the transport card, on 11 April he spends €6.90 on a salad and on 15 April €25.90 at the supermarket. John will see each of these card transactions in the imagin app as soon as they are made, and has to pay back the credit used, with no interest, as follows: €12 on 11 April, €6.90 on 12 April and €25.90 on 16 April.
And an example to understand how to use the balance in the account in addition to the credit: John has a balance of €200 in his imaginBank account associated with the card, and the credit limit on the card is €100. If he needs to make a purchase for €150, he can do so because he will charge €100 to his card (which he will pay 24h after confirmation) and €50 will be paid directly from his account balance at the time of purchase.
The card also allows other payment methods that you must expressly request, such as deferred payment of all the credit you have on a monthly basis, or payment in instalments of a certain transaction or purchase. These two payment methods do require interest payments, which are specified both in the pre-contractual information (INE) and in the contract.
A deferred payment consists of paying back the credit you spend gradually, instead of paying the total amount at the end of the agreed settlement period. This way, you decide what monthly instalment you want to make to pay back the credit used. Even if you use more credit each month than the chosen instalment, you will only pay the chosen instalment, provided that the amount paid back is the minimum1 specified by CaixaBank Payments & Consumer to ensure your debt is repaid in a timely manner. When choosing the level of the monthly instalment you want to pay, bear in mind that the higher the monthly instalment you pay, the lower the total cost of the credit to be repaid, because you will repay the loaned credit sooner.
Paying in instalments consists of paying for a certain purchase or transaction on credit and instead of paying it all back at the end of the month interest-free, you pay it off over however many months you decide, including the associated interest or a fixed fee, also reflected in the contract. To be as transparent as possible with you and to let you know how our 1-day payment card works before you even start the application process, we provide you with an example of the pre-contractual information document (INE) and an example of the contract, which we attach below.
- Pre-contractual information (INE).
PLEASE NOTE: The NIR and AER numbers that you will see in both the example INE and the example contract are specific to the EXAMPLES and therefore may not be those that we will finally apply to your card, as these conditions in the examples are the maximum applicable. We provide the maximum values for these numbers because, as you have not started the contracting process, we have not been able to study your financial situation, so we cannot tell you in advance what financial conditions you will have on your card. For this reason, we prefer to show you the maximum rates.
The imagin&Go card

The imagin&Go card
Deferred payment card (revolving)
The deferred payment card (revolving) is also a credit card, although it is different from the others because it only allows for one payment method to pay back the credit used during the month: the deferred payment with an associated interest rate from the time you use the credit until you pay it back in full. Lets you pay back the credit you use by way of a monthly instalment, instead of paying the full amount at the end of the agreed settlement period. You decide what monthly instalment you want to make to pay back the credit used. Even if you spend more credit each month than the chosen instalment, you will only pay the chosen instalment, provided that the amount paid back is the minimum1 specified by CaixaBank Payments & Consumer to ensure your debt is repaid in a timely manner. When choosing how much you want your monthly instalment to be, bear in mind that the higher it is, the lower the total cost of the credit to be repaid, because you will repay the loaned credit sooner.
With this card, you will not be able to choose to pay the credit used in full at the end of the month, with no interest, like a standard credit card, because it is a deferred payment card (revolving). However, there is no limit to the amount of the monthly payment, meaning you can choose a monthly instalment that pays off the full amount of credit used that month, at the end of the month, but paying interest from the time you used the credit until said credit is paid off in full.
The card also offers the split payment option to pay for certain purchases. It does not accrue interest, but it is only intended to finance specific purchases that comprise a commercial unit with the financing offered by the card. Because of this, the split payment offered by this card is reserved for purchases in which imagin expressly offers the instalment payment method. With this option, you will have to return the credit used for the split purchase, divided by the number of months you select for the instalment (example; if you decide to split a €60 purchase over 3 months, you have to pay back €20 a month for 3 months).
To be as transparent as possible with you and to let you know how our deferred payment card works before you even start the application process, we provide you with an example of the pre-contractual information document (INE) and an example of the contract, which we attach below.
- Pre-contractual information (INE).
PLEASE NOTE: The NIR and AER numbers that you will see in both the example INE and the example contract are specific to the EXAMPLES and therefore may not be those that we will finally apply to your card, as these conditions in the examples are the maximum applicable. We provide the maximum values for these numbers because, as you have not started the contracting process, we have not been able to study your financial situation, so we cannot tell you in advance what financial conditions you will have on your card. For this reason, we prefer to show you the maximum rates.
For more information on the deferred (revolving) payment method click here.
Most common questions about cards
Most common questions about cards
What is a credit card?
A credit card is a payment instrument (you use it to pay) and it is also a credit facility (financing we make available that you can use to pay for something at the time of purchase). When paying with a credit card, you do not pay for purchases with your account balance on the spot, but rather pay the total amount you have spent during the agreed period (usually one month) at the end of this period (usually at the beginning of the following month). You will not have to pay interest for this.
If the card offers deferred payments, or is payable at the end of the month but you use it with the deferred payment method, then, contrary to the above, you will not pay the total credit spent at the end of the agreed period; instead, you will pay it in monthly instalments that are used to pay down the credit used gradually, with interest accruing from the time you use the credit until it is paid in full.
How is a debit card different from a credit card?
Debit and credit cards differ basically in the payment method.
Paying with your debit card means paying for your purchases with the balance in the account associated with the card, so if you do not have enough balance in the account at the time of purchase, you will not be able to pay with the card.
By contrast, when you pay with a credit card, you don't pay for purchases with the balance in your account at the time of purchase, but with the credit you have available in your card (up to the limit set in the contract), which you repay at the end of the agreed settlement period. Furthermore, paying with a credit card lets you choose to repay all the credit you spend at the end of the settlement period interest-free or pay for the credit drawn down in instalments, with the associated interest.
If I use my credit card will I have to pay interest?
Not always. If you decide to pay with a credit card using the end-of-month payment option and thus repay all the credit used during the agreed settlement period, you will not pay interest. However, if you pay with a deferred payment credit card or if you choose to modify the payment method of your standard credit card with the deferred payment option, you will pay interest because of the greater flexibility afforded by this payment method, since you will repay the credit used in monthly instalments of the amount you choose, instead of paying all the credit you used.
Can I change the card payment method whenever I want?
Yes. You can change the card payment method to the ones offered by the card whenever you want. To do this, you have to request it from us and expressly authorise it because some payment methods involve paying associated interest (you will see them detailed in the pre-contractual information (INE) and in the card contract).
What is a deferred (revolving) payment card?
A deferred (revolving) payment card is a type of credit card in which you repay the credit that you used over time instead of all at once at the end of the agreed settlement period. It consists of repaying the credit used in convenient instalments by paying an associated interest that is detailed in each case in both the pre-contractual information and in the contract.
In addition, the credit is revolving, meaning that it goes down when you make credit payments with the card but as you pay off the credit that you use, it becomes available again for future purchases.
The deferred repayment of credit will depend on how much you choose to repay each month and whether you continue to draw down further credit simultaneously. The higher the monthly instalment selected, the sooner you will repay the credit drawn down and, therefore, the lower the cost of the credit, as you will pay interest for less time, and more of the monthly instalment will be used to repay the principal.
Bear in mind that any credit card can be converted into a deferred (revolving) payment card by choosing the deferred payment method to repay the credit, since all our cards let you personalise the payment of the credit according to your financial needs. Only one of our cards (the current imagin&Go) is a deferred (revolving) payment card by default and does not allow the credit to be repaid in any other way. The rest of our cards, by default, use the end-of-month payment method, with no interest.
For more information on the deferred (revolving) payment method click here.
How do I take out the card and what rights do I have?
Before you take out the card, imagin will give you (during the application flow process, and also through the Now digital banking service as well as through email) the pre-contractual information (INE for credit cards) for the card contract you choose before we show you the contract. It is important that you read the document carefully and, if you want, compare it with offers from other banks. This document describes important financial conditions that you should know about the card, as well as other relevant information about the card contract (such as the right of withdrawal, the payment methods of the card, your assigned credit limit, etc.). Take your time to read it. We will honour the conditions offered for 3 days so that you can sign the contract once you have thought about it and decided if the product is right for you.
Therefore, before you take out the card, you have the right to:
- Receive correct and sufficient information about the product you are going to apply for.
- Receive the pre-contractual information (INE in the case of credit cards) before you sign the binding contract.
- Take your time to decide whether or not to sign up for the card, once you know the applicable financial conditions (detailed in the INE). We will honour the financial conditions detailed in the INE for 3 days.
Can I view my card transactions?
Yes. You can view your card purchases at any time through the imagin app and at ATMs.
You will also receive a monthly statement on the imagin app detailing the card transactions, regardless of the card payment method.
Transactions made with an end-of-month card will be charged to your account at the end of the agreed settlement period in a single charge for the total amount of the transactions.
Transactions made using a 2-day card are charged individually to your account 48h after each purchase.
Transactions made with a deferred payment card are charged gradually through the monthly instalment selected.
When will I pay for the credit depending on the settlement period I select?
2-day credit cards: the transactions are settled one by one 48h after they are charged.
Weekly settlement period chosen: the transactions are settled weekly. Purchases made from Monday to Sunday are charged to the associated account on Wednesday of the following week.
Monthly settlement period chosen: the transactions are settled monthly. The settlement period is from the 22nd of the month to the 21st of the following month. The charge is made starting on the 1st day of the third month. For example, transactions made between 22 May and 21 June are charged to the associated account starting on 1 July.
Can I withdraw from the contract once I sign it? And can I cancel it at any time?
Yes. You have 14 calendar days to withdraw from the card contract. You do not have to provide a reason. Once you ask to withdraw, we will cancel the card in 24h, and deem the contract terminated. If you have used the card and have not paid back the credit used, you will have 30 calendar days to do so, together with any interest that may apply.
After the first 14 days, you will be able to cancel the contract unilaterally at any time, without providing a reason, although you will first have to pay any amounts you may owe. As soon as you request it, provided there is no outstanding debt, we will cancel the contract in 24h.
You can request to withdraw from or cancel the contract by the following means: Through the imagin app or at an ATM. To request it through the imagin app, you have to take the following steps: Go to the "Settings" tab, located at the top right of the screen; Select the option "Withdraw from contracted products"; Fill in the form that is shown with the information of the card contract you wish to terminate
Where can I see the contract that I sign? Will you give me a copy?
Yes, a copy of the contract will be provided to you. We will post it in the section to consult the imagin contract within the settings of the imagin app. This way, you can read, download and print it whenever you want.
imaginBank by CaixaBank
1. If the monthly payment you choose is very low in comparison to the outstanding debt, we will apply a minimum monthly amount set to reduce the risk of excessive prolongation of the debt repayment period: this will be the result of adding a corrective factor (0.85%) to the monthly NIR (1.7%) and multiplying it by the outstanding debt. Both concepts are explained in the contract and the ESIS. You can increase the monthly payment whenever you wish. The maximum amount that you can pay every month will be 100% of the credit limit.
imagin, trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A., markets products of the hybrid payment entity that issues the credit cards, CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E. F. C., E. P., S. A. U., ("CPC"), domiciled at Avenida de Manoteras nº 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). The system of protection of funds of customers using payment services chosen by CPC is the deposit in a separate account opened in CaixaBank. Granting of the card is subject to prior approval by CPC.