1. No account maintenance fee. The account has no costs 0% AER, 0% NIR.ImaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A., with NIF A08663619, and registered in the Special Administrative Registry of the Bank of Spain with number 2100, is the entity that offers the bank account.
2. Card issuance and maintenance fee of €0. imagin, a trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., an agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A., markets products of the hybrid payment institution CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E. F. C., E. P., S. A. U., (CPC), with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras No. 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid), which offers credit and debit cards. The system chosen by CPC to protect the funds of clients who use payment services is to deposit them in a separate account opened at CaixaBank. The credit card is issued subject to prior approval by CPC. You can consult the prices usually applied to the most frequently provided banking services (Appendix 1) at: www.caixabank.es/tarifas
3. CaixaBank will never charge you a fee for using your card to take money out at an ATM.
4. We consider that you have received a salary when you receive an income in this concept. Transfers are not considered payroll for the purposes of this campaign. ImaginBank from CaixaBank. Imagin, commercial brand of imaginersGen, S.A. agent of CaixaBank, S.A.
5. Offer of €150 valid throughout the national territory for new payroll direct debits from €900 to €1.499,99 in an account opened at imaginBank with a 48-month term. Offer of €250 valid throughout the national territory for new payroll direct debits from €1.500 or more in an account opened at imaginBank with a 48-month term. This income is considered monetary remuneration, so it may be affected by current tax regulations in the event that you have to file the income statement. Not combinable with other direct debit promotions (payroll, self-employed or pensions) made after 01/01/2022 or with direct debit payrolls that come from another CaixaBank account.
6. The offer consists of paying you €50 for each person who registers as a new imaginBank customer using your friend code that you will find in the app when you register. To obtain the money, it is necessary that i) the person you invite opens an account, ii) has a minimum of €5 in the account and iii) activates the Bizum service. The maximum that we will pay you for this offer will be €500 (10 friends). Account offered by CaixaBank, S.A.
7. imaginTeens, registered trademark of CaixaBank, S.A., with tax ID A08663619, listed in the Special Administrative Registry of the Bank of Spain under number 2100, is the entity that offers the imaginTeens account.
In order for a minor to be able to send and receive money using Bizum: i) both the sender and the recipient must be registered with Bizum (if the recipient is not registered, they will be sent an SMS to register to receive the money) and ii) the minor's legal representative must authorize the minor to carry out payment transactions.
8. imaginKids, registered trademark of CaixaBank, S.A., with tax ID A08663619, listed in the Special Administrative Registry of the Bank of Spain under number 2100, is the entity that offers the imaginKids account.
9. The minimum age to apply for the Youth Card depends on the autonomous community in which you reside and the type of card you want to apply for. In Catalonia and Asturias, you can apply for the non-financial modality from the age of 12, the debit and prepaid financial modalities from the age of 14 and the financial credit modality from the age of 18. In the Canary Islands you can apply for the non-financial modality and the debit and prepaid financial modalities from the age of 14 and the credit financial from the age of 18. In Murcia you can apply for the non-financial modality and the financial debit modality from the age of 14 and the financial credit modality from the age of 18. In Madrid, Navarra you can apply for the financial debit modality from the age of 14 and the credit finance from the age of 18.
Card modalities: Youth Card, non-financial card for young people between 12 and 30 years old in Catalonia and Asturias and between 14 and 30 years old in the communities of Murcia and the Canary Islands. Youth Card, debit card for young people between 14 and 30 years old and credit card for those between 18 and 30 years old. Cards issued by the hybrid payment institution CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C., E.P., S.A.U. ("CPC"), with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras n° 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). CaixaBank, S.A. acts as agent of the card issuer. Granting of cards subject to prior approval by CPC. You can check the prices usually applied to the most frequently provided banking services (annex 1) in www.caixabank.es/tarifas. Youth Card, prepaid card for young people between 14 and 30 years old. Card issued by the electronic money institution Global Payments MoneyToPay, E.D.E., S.L., ("M2P") with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras n° 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). CaixaBank, S.A. acts as the agent of the issuer of the cards. The system for protecting the funds of customers who use payment services chosen by CPC and M2P is the deposit in a separate account opened at CaixaBank, S.A. Advertising issued by imaginersGen, S.A., the entity that owns the "imagin" trademark, which promotes and disseminates the Youth Card Programme. imaginersGen, S.A. is an agent of CaixaBank, S.A.
10. imagin, a trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A. markets products of the electronic money institution that issues prepaid cards, Global Payments MoneyToPay, E.D.E., S.L. ("M2P"), with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras, nº 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). The system for protecting funds for customers who use payment services chosen by M2P is the deposit in a separate account opened at CaixaBank. The card has €0 in issuance and maintenance fees. You can check the prices usually applied to the most frequently provided banking services (annex 1) in www.caixabank.es/tarifas.