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Bring your payroll and get up to €250
Match up with the
perfect imagin card
Discover imagin cards, choose the best one for you
and carry it in your wallet
Our MyCard credit cards
Switch to the MyCard modality 1
and all the advantages that come with it.
Recycled plastic.
Your day-to-day purchases with no charges and interest-free (0% AER).
No issuance or maintenance fees.
The best of debit and credit in a single card.

Perfect for travelling the world.
Your purchases will appear in your account instantly and be charged the day after its confirmation.
Pay in instalments for the purchases you choose, when you need to. 2
Pay in any currency and withdraw cash on debit at ATMs outside Spain without being charged by us.*
*The ATM owner could charge you for its use. 3

MyCard Youth card
The best in a single card.
Enjoy advantages and discounts throughout Spain and Europe.
Free international travel assistance insurance. 4
Courses and scholarships abroad.

imagin debit card 5
Enjoy the convenience of debit.
Purchase with immediate debit to your account.
Withdraw cash on debit without commissions at ATMs outside Spain* or at all CaixaBank ATMs. 10
*You may be cashed by the bank that owns the ATM. 11 -
Pay with your cell phone with maximum security.
Pay in any currency all over the world without fees.

imagin credit card 5
Buy today and pay at your own pace.
Don't pay for your purchases until the end of the month.
Pay in instalments for the purchases you choose, when you need to. 8
Pay in any currency and withdraw cash on debit at ATMs outside Spain without being charged by us.*
*The ATM owner could charge you for its use. 3

imagin&Go card 5
Enjoy the monthly fee to your measure.
With the deferred payment card (revolving), you decide how much you want to pay at the end of the month (from a set minimum). 6
The credit used is settled in fixed monthly instalments with interest. 7 -
Control your expenditure: ideal for planning your monthly spending or for moments of punctual purchases.

Prepaid card 14
Top up, use, enjoy, repeat.
Control your expenses easily by being able to use only the amount you top up.
Top up the card from the app and at ATMs.
Shop online more securely.
Youth card 9
Welcome to a world of discounts.
Over 60,000 discounts on culture, sport, transport, travel...
Free international travel assistance insurance. 4
Courses and scholarships abroad.
What advantages do they all have?
CaixaBank Protect security free of charge.
Withdraw cash at over 11,000 CaixaBank ATMs.
Block and unblock cards with just a tap in the app.
Pay as you like, with your phone, card or smartwatch.
And now, you can discover our braille cards

Don't be left wondering
If your mobile is compatible with Google Pay, go to the Google Wallet app and add your imagin card manually. If your mobile is not compatible with Google Pay, select the card in the app and tap the Activate mobile payment button on the menu. You only need your phone's PIN, and the terminal may ask you for your physical card's PIN in order to pay. Follow the steps and you will see your virtual card in the Wallet.
For iPhone, select the card, go to the More options menu and click on Add to Apple Wallet. You only need your phone's PIN, and the terminal may ask you for your physical card's PIN in order to pay. Follow the steps and you will see your virtual card in the Wallet.
It is no more or less than a payment instrument (which you can use to pay) and a credit facility (financing we make available that you can use to pay for something at the time of purchase). This means that with a credit card you do not pay using your account balance at that time; instead, you pay for your total spending for a given period (usually one month) at the end of that period (usually in the first few days of the next month). And, of course, without paying interest (0% NIR, 0% AER).
If the card offers deferred payments, or is payable at the end of the month but you use it with the deferred payment method, then, contrary to the above, you will not pay the total credit spent at the end of the agreed period; instead, you will pay it in monthly instalments that are used to pay down the credit used gradually, with interest accruing from the time you use the credit until it is paid in full. 7
Basically, the big difference between the two is the payment method.
Paying with your debit card always means paying for your purchases with the balance you have in your account at that time. If you do not have enough balance... you will not be able to pay with that card. On the contrary, when you pay with a credit card, you don't have to use your account balance but can use the credit available on the card (up to the limit set in the contract), and repay the credit at the end of the agreed settlement period. Furthermore, paying with a credit card lets you choose either to repay all the credit you spend at the end of the settlement period interest-free (0% NIR, 0% AER) or pay the credit drawn down on a deferred basis, with the associated interest 7.
Not necessarily. You decide if you want your credit card to be paid off at the end of the month, repaying all the credit you have drawn during the settlement period agreed. So at the end of this period, you will not pay interest (0% NIR, 0% AER). However, if you opt for repayment by instalments or choose to change your card's standard repayment method to deferred payment, you will pay the associated interest. This allows you greater flexibility of payment. as you will repay the credit you use through monthly instalments of the amount you choose, instead of paying the total amount. 7
Of course, you can change the card payment method for any of those offered for the card, whenever you want.
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We have been a Certified B Corporation™ since 2020. Discover more here.
NRI: 20551-2021-17317
1. imagin, trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A., markets products of the hybrid payment entity that issues the credit cards, CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E. F. C., E. P., S. A. U., ("CPC"), domiciled at Avenida de Manoteras nº 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). The system of protection of funds of customers using payment services chosen by CPC is the deposit in a separate account opened in CaixaBank. Granting of the card is subject to prior approval by CPC. The card has €0 issue and maintenance fee. You can see the usual prices for frequent banking services (Annex 1) at Credit card with payment after 1 day. In this case, purchases will be settled on credit with the account balance, one by one, 24 hours after each purchase. Representative example calculated according to the parameters required by the consumer credit regulations, to repay the credit of €1,500 (total amount of credit) drawn down and repaid in full by a single payment 1 day after each drawdown, successively over one year: AER 0%, NIR 0%. Total amount payable: €1500 (€1,500 collected monthly for the following 12 months). Total cost of the credit: €0. See how it works at
2. The instalment payment method consists of paying the purchase with interest over a period of your choice between 2 and 12 months (or 24 months for purchases over €600). The minimum amount is €40 and the maximum is the credit limit available on your card. Representative example calculated for a purchase made on 01/09/2022 for €1,500 (total amount of the credit) deferred with the card over 12 months: AER 22.42%, NIR 20.40%. Total amount payable: €1,670.88. Total cost of credit (interest payments): €170.88. Amount of the twelve monthly payments of €139.24 French repayment system.
3. CaixaBank will not charge you for debit cash withdrawals with the MyCard or imagine credit from any ATM in the world.
4. For all indicated Card types: CPC includes free travel assistance insurance.
5. imagin, trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A., markets products of the hybrid payment entity that issues debit and credit cards, CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E. F. C., E. P., S. A. U., ("CPC"), with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras nº 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). The system of protection of funds of customers using payment services chosen by CPC is the deposit in a separate account opened in CaixaBank. Granting of the credit card subject to prior approval by CPC.
6. If the monthly payment you choose is very low in comparison to the outstanding debt, we will apply a minimum monthly amount set to reduce the risk of excessive prolongation of the debt repayment period: this will be the result of adding a corrective factor (0.85%) to the monthly NIR (1.70%) and multiplying it by the outstanding debt. Both concepts are explained in the contract and the ESIS. You can increase the monthly payment whenever you wish. The maximum amount that you can pay every month will be 100% of the credit limit.
7. The deferred (revolving) payment method consists of paying the entire credit used in instalments, with an associated maximum annual interest rate of 20.40% NIR (22.42% AER). Any repayments will be added back to your available credit. Representative example calculated for repaying credit of €1,500 used on 01/09/2022 (total amount of the credit) with the deferred payment method over 48 months (first effective payment on 01/10/2022): AER 22.42%, NIR 20.40%. Total amount payable: €2,206.23. Total cost of credit (interest payments): €706.23. Monthly payments: 47 instalments of €45.97 and a final instalment of €45.64. French repayment system. The foregoing assumes that you do not perform any new transactions that increase the card's outstanding balance and that the debt is formalised at the beginning of the period.
8. The deferred payment method consists of paying for the purchase with interest during the period of your choice, between 3, 6, 9 or 12 months and up to 24 months for purchases over €600. The minimum amount is €40 and the maximum is the credit limit available on your card. Representative example calculated for a purchase made on 01/09/2022 for €1,500 (total amount of the credit) deferred with the card over 12 months: AER 22.42%, NIR 20.40%. Total amount payable: €1,670.88. Total cost of credit (interest payments): €170.88. Amount of the twelve monthly payments of €139.24 French repayment system.
9. The minimum age for requesting a Youth Card depends on which type of card you want and the autonomous community you live in. In Catalonia and Asturias, you can request a non-financial version from the age of 12, the debit card and prepaid version from the age of 14 and the credit card version from the age of 18. In Murcia, you can apply for the non-financial version and the debit card version from the age of 14 and the credit card version from the age of 18. In Madrid and Navarra, you can apply for the debit card version from the age of 14 and the credit card version from the age of 18.
Card types: The Youth Card, a non-financial card for young people between 12 and 30 years old in Catalonia and Asturias and between 14 and 30 years old in Murcia. The Youth Card, a debit card for young people between 14 and 30 years old, and a credit card for people between 18 and 30 years old. Cards issued by the hybrid payment entity CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C., E.P., S.A.U. ("CPC"), domiciled at Avenida de Manoteras n.º 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). CaixaBank, S.A. acts as the agent of the card issuing entity. Card issuance subject to approval by CPC. You will find the usual prices for frequent banking services (Annex 1) in Carné Joven, prepaid card for young people from 14 to 30 years of age. Card issued by the electronic money institution Global Payments MoneyToPay, EDE, S.L. ("M2P"), with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras n.º 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). CaixaBank, S.A. acts as the agent of the card issuing entity. The system chosen to protect the funds of customers using the CPC and M2P payment services is to deposit them in a separate account opened in CaixaBank, S.A. Advertising issued by imaginersGen S.A., the entity that owns the "imagin" trademark, and which promotes the Youth Card Programme. imaginersGen S.A. is an agent of CaixaBank S.A., which has Tax ID no. A-08663619 and is listed in the Bank of Spain Official Register of Companies under number 2100.
10. CaixaBank will not charge a fee for the use of its ATMs when, through them, you withdraw cash with your card.
11. We will not charge you for withdrawing cash on debit with this card from any ATM outside Spain.
12. No account maintenance fee. The account is not remunerated (0% AER, 0% NIR). imaginBank, imaginTeens and imaginKids, registered trademarks CaixaBank, S.A., with Tax ID A-08663619, registered in the Special Administrative Register of the Bank of Spain, under code 2100, is the savings bank that offers the bank account.
13. Life insurance from VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros. Non-life insurance offered by SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. CaixaBank, S.A., exclusive banking and insurance operator of VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros and authorised by SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. With tax ID number A08663619 and registered address at Calle Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, 46002 Valencia. Listed in the Spanish Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors under code OE0003. It has the corresponding professional civil liability insurance in place to cover any liabilities that may arise due to professional negligence, as required by law.
14. imagin, a trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A., markets the products of the electronic money entity that issues the prepaid cards, Global Payments MoneyToPay, E.D.E., S.L. ("M2P"), whose registered office is at Avenida de Manoteras nº 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). The system chosen by M2P to protect the funds of payment service users is to deposit them in a separate account opened with CaixaBank. The card has €0 issue and maintenance fee. You can see the usual prices for frequent banking services (Annex 1) at