1. €0 issue and maintenance fee for the credit card (MyCard). You can see the prices typically charged for the most frequent banking services (Annex 1) at www.caixabank.es/particular/general/tarifascomisiones_es.
2. To send money using Bizum, both the sender and recipient must be registered for Bizum. If the recipient is not registered, they will be sent a text message to register and receive the money.
3. The minimum age for requesting a Youth Card depends on which type of card you want and the autonomous community you live in. In Catalonia and Asturias, you can request a non-financial version from the age of 12, the debit card and prepaid version from the age of 14 and the credit card version from the age of 18. In Murcia, you can apply for the non-financial version and the debit card version from the age of 14 and the credit card version from the age of 18. In Madrid and Navarra, you can apply for the debit card version from the age of 14 and the credit card version from the age of 18.
4. Card types: The Youth Card, a non-financial card for young people between 12 and 30 years old in Catalonia and Asturias and between 14 and 30 years old in Murcia. The Youth Card, a debit card for young people between 14 and 30 years old, and a credit card for people between 18 and 30 years old. Cards issued by the hybrid payment entity CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C., E.P., S.A.U. ("CPC"), domiciled at Avenida de Manoteras n.º 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). CaixaBank, S.A. acts as the agent of the card issuing entity. Card issuance subject to approval by CPC. You will find the usual prices for frequent banking services (Annex 1) in www.caixabank.es/tarifas. Carné Joven, prepaid card for young people from 14 to 30 years of age. Card issued by the electronic money institution Global Payments MoneyToPay, EDE, S.L. ("M2P"), with registered office at Avenida de Manoteras n.º 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). CaixaBank, S.A. acts as the agent of the card issuing entity. The system chosen to protect the funds of customers using the CPC and M2P payment services is to deposit them in a separate account opened in CaixaBank, S.A. Advertising issued by imaginersGen S.A., the entity that owns the "imagin" trademark, and which promotes the Youth Card Programme. imaginersGen S.A. is an agent of CaixaBank S.A., which has Tax ID no. A-08663619 and is listed in the Bank of Spain Official Register of Companies under number 2100.
5. For all indicated Card types: CPC includes free travel assistance insurance.