1. Information subject to the general, specific and special terms and conditions of each policy, as well as to the terms and conditions of subscription and contracting.
MyBox House is a home insurance policy from SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. CaixaBank, S.A., exclusive banking and insurance operator of VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros, and authorised by SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with tax ID A08663619 and registered address at Calle Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, 46002, Valencia. Listed in the Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors of the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds with code OE0003.
The initial duration of the MyBox Home policy is three years. Premiums are payable monthly. No surcharges will be applied for paying in instalments. If the insurance policy is renewed, the renewal premium may be recalculated in accordance with the conditions of the policy. From the fourth year, the MyBox insurance policy will be renewed automatically every year. Subject to the conditions of MyBox. You can find out more about the terms and conditions of the contract process at any CaixaBank branch or at www.CaixaBank.es.
Non-life insurance of SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros with Tax ID A-28011864 and with registered address at Paseo de la Castellana, 259-C, 28046 Madrid. Listed in the Register of Insurance Agents of the DGSFP under code OE0003. Tax ID - 28011864. Broker CaixaBank, S.A., exclusive banking and insurance operator of VidaCaixa, S.A.U. and authorised agent of SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A., with tax ID number A08663619 and registered address at Calle Pintor Sorolla. 2-4, Valencia - 46002. Listed in the Spanish Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors under code OE0003. It has the corresponding professional civil liability insurance in place to cover any liabilities that may arise due to professional negligence, as required by law. See the company website for more information.
2. The service company is committed to sending a specialist within three hours in the event of an emergency, which is understood to be a situation in which the home is uninhabitable for one of the following reasons: Electricity: no power anywhere in the home or in the kitchen or bathroom, provided that the origin of the fault is inside the home. Water damage: damage to water pipes in the home, causing damage to the policyholder’s goods or those of third parties, making it necessary to turn off the mains water supply. Security: breakage of exterior windows, leaving the home unprotected against weather conditions or malicious acts by third parties. The service company is available 24/7 by calling 900 159 009. For an emergency involving water damage, as long as it does not occur between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm and can be resolved by turning the water off at the mains, telephone assistance will be provided.
3. The service company commits to offering the service via the 900 505 040 helpline between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm, Monday to Friday. It will assume this commitment provided that there is not an exceptional number of claims (when abnormal atmospheric conditions are above the average for the last 30 days) or when claims involve third parties (incidents caused by another person or those in which another person is harmed).
4. Within 24 hours of the incident being reported, in agreement with the customer, an appointment will be arranged with the claims adjuster, subject to the latter’s availability, provided that there is not an exceptional number of claims (when abnormal atmospheric conditions are above the average for the last 30 days) and claims do not involve third parties (incidents caused by another person or those in which another person is harmed). This commitment will be assumed by the insurer.
5. Provided that the incident does not involve third parties (incidents caused by another person or those in which another person is harmed). This commitment will be assumed by the insurer. For claims below €30,000, the claims adjuster’s report will be submitted within 10 days, subject to all documentation needed to assess damage having been received.
6. Repairs are carried out in agreement with the customer via the service company, which is committed to providing the relevant service to the customer. Commitment assumed by the service company.
7. In the event of non-compliance with the commitments called "Appointment with a specialist", "Emergency services". “Appointment with claims adjuster”, “Claims adjuster’s report” and “Compensation within 48 hours", the customer can call 91 991 78 21 or 900 110 434 to request a review of these commitments and, if applicable, request financial compensation of €200. Said compensation can be requested by the policyholder up to 30 calendar days after the claim to which the commitments apply is finalised. The policyholder will be entitled to a maximum of one compensation payment for each year during the first three years after the policy is taken out, provided that the “Commitments” are in force on the date of the claim to which they apply and for which compensation is requested. Such compensation will be paid before the end of December in the year during which failure to comply was accepted by the service company or the insurer, as applicable. The service company assumes responsibility for any possible financial compensation to the policyholder for breach of the commitments “Appointment with specialist” and “Emergency services”, except in the case of force majeure, the insurer having no liability in connection with these commitments. The insurer assumes responsibility for financial compensation to which the policyholder may be entitled for breach of the commitments referred to as “Appointment with a claims adjuster”, “Claims adjuster’s report” and “Compensation in 48 hours”, excepting force majeure. Payment of compensation is subject to current tax regulations.
Information subject to the general, specific and special terms and conditions of each policy, as well as to the terms and conditions of subscription and contracting.
8. Life insurance from VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with tax ID A58333261 CaixaBank, S.A., the exclusive banking-insurance operator of VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros and authorised operator of SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. Holder of Tax ID code (NIF) A08663619 and registered address at c/ Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, 46002 Valencia. Listed in the Mediator Registry of the DGSFP under code OE0003. Non-life insurance of SegurCaixa Adeslas. S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, marketed by CaixaBank, S.A., the exclusive banking-insurance operator of VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros and authorised operator of SegurCaixa Adeslas S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with tax ID A08663619 and registered address at Calle Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, 46002 Valencia. Listed in the Mediator Registry of the DGSFP under code OE0003.
9. imagin, registered trademark of imaginersGen S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A., CaixaBank, S.A., markets products of the hybrid payment institution CAIXABANK PAYMENTS & CONSUMER, E.F.C., E.P., S.A.U., hereinafter (CPC), with tax ID A-08980153 and listed in the Bank of Spain Official Register of Companies under code 8776, offers the credit or debit card. The system chosen by CPC to protect service users' funds is to deposit them in a separate account opened with CaixaBank S.A. The card is granted subject to analysis of the applicant's credit rating and their ability to pay, in keeping with the risk policies of CPC.