1. Fee of €1 for transactions (purchase or sale) up to €2,000. If the amount is more than €2,000 and up to €6,000, a fee of €3 per transaction will apply. Purchase transactions of more than €6,000 are not permitted. These prices include fees (arrangement and settlement fees). Promotion of the first 12 operations exempt from transaction fees for up to 6 months from registration; the exchange rate shall apply in any case. Fees for transactions carried out by CaixaBank's imaginBank Broker. Transactions involving the purchase and sale of shares on the domestic and international markets made through imaginBank in the first 6 months are considered free of charge.
You can view the Fee Brochure at www.imagin.com/tarifas-informacion-interes.
2. imagin&Invest is the trade name of SmartMoney at imaginBank; Smart Money is a discretionary portfolio management service for investment funds provided by CaixaBank, S.A. and delegated to CaixaBank, A.M., SGIIC, S.A.U., No 15 in the CNMV register. CecaBank, S.A., with CNMV registration number 236, is the depositary of the funds in which the portfolios invest. CaixaBank must determine that the service is suitable for the customer before signing with him/her the management contract. You can view the prospectuses, as well as the key investor information documents of the investible funds at www.caixabankassetmanagement.com, www.caixabank.es, and in the Official Registers of the CNMV.
3. Fee subject to VAT of 21% or current rate. The price does not take into account the costs and expenses of the underlying funds as they are implicit in the daily valuation of the investment funds.