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imagin Green
Green like the forests we protect
Because we have planted more than 300,000 trees, offsetting over 300 tonnes* of CO2 (equivalent to 2,000 flights from Madrid to Barcelona).
imagin Blue
Blue like the oceans we care for
Because we have taken enough plastic out of the sea thanks to Seabins and Gravity Wave to offset 21 tonnes* of CO2 (the same as 150 trips to Greece).
What colour do you see in us?
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Calcula tu huella de CO2 y descubre consejos para poder reducirla.
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NRI: 21167-2022-00262
imagin is a trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., calle Estany 11, 08038 - Barcelona, VAT No A61363339.
* How is the CO2 offset calculated?
For trees and CO2: Source: Eden Project Reforestation and Zero Emissions Sustainable Forests as per the "Ex ante absorption calculator" methodology of the Carbon Footprint Registry, offset and absorption projects of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain, conducted by a certified external consultant (ISO 9001/14001). For plastics and CO2: Source: Zero Emissions Objective and Gravity Wave.